Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First post

Funny I read plenty of blogs about nothing but have no idea what to put inn my own. I suppose I will just have a little rant here and there and add any cool stuff I find whilst whiling away the hours that i must spend chained to my desk. More as a reminder to myself than anything. Is it bad that I start planning dinner at 10 am? I have nothing else to do.

Here is a list of things I like today:
- Drawngs in texta/coloured pencil/biro, like this:
By Matt Furie. Extra points for freaky Freddy Krueger/child combo. And this:
By Andrei Molodkin.

- Fog, if you gotta be at work it's kinda cool if it looks like a Stephen King film outside. I like it when I ride my bike to work and I can't even see the harbour bridge in the distance. I like to imagine that it is an imaginary coastline and it's the ocean off in the foggy distance.-Wasting hours looking up different flight routes/rates/distances, Sydney to Chicago, Chicago to Vancouver, Vancouver to New York, New York to Chicago (this goes along with searching real estate in cities I don't live in just in case everything falls into place).
-Getting presents from e-bay, even if I shouldn't have bought it in the first place.
-Managing to ride to and from work and get a window of clear weather not get caught in the rain every day this week (fingers crossed).

Things that really suck right now:
-My eyes are fucking driving me crazy with itchiness for no reason again.
-Being scared about the future, if I am doing the right thing by going overseas and potentially being desperately lonely, cold and risking losing my relationship.
-Having a looming credit card debt and potentially having to need a lot of money really soon.

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