Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finally found the cool biker pics:
Most of them are electra bike, I love the second chick on the BMX, she looks like she is having fun. And kudos to the last chick for cycling in a pencil skirt.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Right well been a tad busy the last couple of days but still totally bored out of my mind. Busy and bored? Can happen apparently.

so without further ado here's the Cool things list for the last few days:
  • Bento box lunch boxesElectra have released a new line of Cruisers and the model 'Navy' got my heart beating faster...This pic doesn't do it justice, on the seat and front fender it has a cute tattoo-style sailor girl that says 'sail with me'. I hadn't noticed the polka dots on the seat before.
  • Betty got some replacement streamers which were well overdue, when I was riding her yesterday one fell out already, I think I need to jam them in with some super glue or something because I can't afford to go replacing them every 3 months. I also got some lights whilst not the most attractive addition, were unfortunately a necessity.
  • Good advice. Sometimes things just swim around in your head and you just need a little common sense to be bestowed upon you to put it all into perspective.
  • 'Ill Blood' by No Warning, 'Things We Carry' by Have Heart, 'Into Oblivion' by Rise and Fall, new albums, new music, so good!

Not-so-good things:
  • Not knowing how to format this blog properly, I need to invest some more time into learning how to tame this thing.
Could go either way:

  • Entering everything I spend into an excel spread sheet, it's good getting my finances in order and looking at how much I spend and where I need to cut back so I can save etc but I can see my obessessive controlling tendency turning this into an addiction, and not actually causing me to cut back on the aforementioned spendings!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Good things:
-Bike riding in a dress. You don't need that much lycra, this I am adamant about!!
-Cool bikers in general. Don'e see too many in Syd but I'm sure they are out there
-Dreaming of running in Central Park, and it being your local.
-Spending the day with Chris.
-Just another weekend.

Good or bad depending on where you are:
-The Melbourne curfew, after years of being jealous of Melbourne's luxuriously drinker friendly alcohol laws they come along and fuck it all up with a curfew. Suck it.

Crap things:
-Seeing something cool/fun/inspiring on random website X then going back and not being able to find it anywhere!
-Impatient/bitter people that aren't having any fun and don't like you having any either.
-Feeling guilty/worried about anything/everything.
-Just another weekend.
-Shoes without socks, it makes me uncomfortable just looking at people with no socks on.
-Secretly thinking I am not tough/hard enough to handle living in NYC.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First post

Funny I read plenty of blogs about nothing but have no idea what to put inn my own. I suppose I will just have a little rant here and there and add any cool stuff I find whilst whiling away the hours that i must spend chained to my desk. More as a reminder to myself than anything. Is it bad that I start planning dinner at 10 am? I have nothing else to do.

Here is a list of things I like today:
- Drawngs in texta/coloured pencil/biro, like this:
By Matt Furie. Extra points for freaky Freddy Krueger/child combo. And this:
By Andrei Molodkin.

- Fog, if you gotta be at work it's kinda cool if it looks like a Stephen King film outside. I like it when I ride my bike to work and I can't even see the harbour bridge in the distance. I like to imagine that it is an imaginary coastline and it's the ocean off in the foggy distance.-Wasting hours looking up different flight routes/rates/distances, Sydney to Chicago, Chicago to Vancouver, Vancouver to New York, New York to Chicago (this goes along with searching real estate in cities I don't live in just in case everything falls into place).
-Getting presents from e-bay, even if I shouldn't have bought it in the first place.
-Managing to ride to and from work and get a window of clear weather not get caught in the rain every day this week (fingers crossed).

Things that really suck right now:
-My eyes are fucking driving me crazy with itchiness for no reason again.
-Being scared about the future, if I am doing the right thing by going overseas and potentially being desperately lonely, cold and risking losing my relationship.
-Having a looming credit card debt and potentially having to need a lot of money really soon.